
发布日期:2022-06-16 05:15:42 阅读:2544 作者:刘畅

卡迪夫大学是一所位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫的全球顶尖大学, 它也是英国老牌名校,英国罗素大学集团(Russell Group)的老牌成员之一。在英国大学专业排行榜中,其物流供应链、新闻、公关、建筑等专业长期位于全英前五,医学、化学、会计、金融、法律、土木工程、城市规划、音乐等专业也长期处于全英前十。值得提及的一点是,卡迪夫有两位诺贝尔奖获得者,马丁·埃文斯教授获得2007年诺贝尔医学奖,罗伯特·哈博获得1988年诺贝尔化学奖,后者更是加入了卡迪夫大学的Structural Biology 研究,更标志着卡迪夫大学在医学领域及化学领域的领先研究。


一、卡迪夫大学新开MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management(可持续供应链管理)专业

卡迪夫大学将于2018年9月新开设硕士课程MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management 可持续供应链管理。物流是卡迪夫大学王牌专业之一,物流专业排名靠前。物流相关专业课程已经通过了物流业的两大权威机构国际物流与运输学会(Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport,CILT)以及皇家采购与供应协会(Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply,CIPS)认证。MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management可持续供应链管理课程旨在使供应链管理者在全球化的环境中更好的成长,可以根据影响供应链的经济、社会和环境因素做出最合理的决定。学习过程将结合实践和政策,将可持续性作为课程的一个关键部分。

入学要求:背景:物流、商科、城规、法律、社会科学、数学和人文专业。如果学生有多年的物流工作经验,英语、物理专业也可考虑。分数:211/985:70%,二本院校:75%, 三本独立学院:80%。

二、卡迪夫 12周语言班满位已经满位,8周B相对紧张,学前语言班10周和8周、8周A和B目前还有位置。


Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to let you know that we have had a very high volume of applications over the last two days, so I am writing to let you know that the 12-week Pre-sessional course is now closed to new applications.  



We will be processing the last offers for the 12-week this week but for applications received recently where we cannot now make an offer, we will write as soon as possible to ask if the students wish to be placed on a waiting list (you do not need to write to us to ask if a student will receive a place – we will confirm that to you shortly). The same invitation to be on a waiting list will be made for any applications received from now onwards.


10 and 8 week Pre-sessional – we still have places available on the 10 week, 8 week A and 8 week B Pre-sessional courses and we will provide a further update at the end of this week.

10周和8周学前语言班- 8周A/B班和10周学前语言班目前还有位置,8周B班相对位置紧张,我们争取在这周继续给大家更新位置情况。

With warm regards,


三、校方反映最近提交的很多MA Digital Media and Society专业的PS不合格

今年3月初,卡迪夫大学校方在对合作伙伴的邮件中写道,“我们近期收到许多数字媒体与社会(MA Digital Media and Society)申请,其中学生提交的个人陈述并没有充分体现对专业的理解/兴趣。这也造成了很多合作伙伴对于学生被拒的疑惑。请注意,卡迪夫大学新闻,媒体与文化研究学院除了会考量学生的院校背景、GPA等,也会参考个人陈述对于专业的理解来进行综合评估。


The MA Digital Media and Society is a theory/academic based programme which looks to understand digital media and its implications for the social, political, economic and cultural environment. It also looks to address current areas of concern, such as social media use, big data, the sharing economy, privacy and surveillance, internet governance, digital rights, and citizen journalism.


The Course Director can only accept applicants whose Personal Statement demonstrates very clearly their interest in digital media, internet, social media and its impact on society. This is not a practical course which offers training. Please pass this information on to the student, in order to ensure that they full understand the content of this programme
